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The main weight bearing sites of wheelchair users were around the hip ischial tubercle, around the femur, around the female fossa and around the scapula.
The size of the wheelchair, especially the width and depth of the seat, the height between the seat and the back, and the distance between the pedal and the seat surface, will affect the blood circulation of the relevant parts of the wheelchair, and cause skin friction and even pressure sores.
1. Buy a wheelchair is not the higher the more expensive the better, choose the right one
If the choice of wheelchair is improper, it will not only cause economic waste, but also bring harm to the body.
2. There should be a gap of 2.5-4cm between the thighs and the armrest after sitting in the wheelchair
① If it is too wide, it will stretch too much when pushing the wheelchair with both arms, which will lead to fatigue. The body can't keep balance and can't pass through the narrow aisle. When the elderly rest in a wheelchair, their hands can not be comfortably placed on the armrest.
② If the seat is too narrow, it will wear the skin of the elderly's buttocks and thighs, and it is not convenient for the elderly to get on and off the wheel chair.
3. The upper edge of the wheelchair back should be about 10 cm under the armpit
① The lower the back is, the larger the upper part of the body and the range of motion of the arms are, and the more convenient the functional activities are, but the smaller the support surface is, which affects the stability of the body. Therefore, only the old people with good balance and less mobility obstacle choose the wheelchair with low back.
② The higher the back and the larger the support surface will affect the physical activity, so the height should be adjusted according to different people.
4. The front edge of the rear seat cushion is about 6.5cm behind the knee
① If the seat is too long, it will press the blood vessels and nerve tissue behind the knee, and it will wear the skin.
② If the seat is too short, it will increase the pressure on the buttocks, causing discomfort, pain, soft tissue damage and pressure sores.
5. In order to make the elderly feel comfortable and prevent bedsore when sitting in a wheelchair
A cushion should be placed on the seat of a wheelchair, which can disperse the pressure on the buttocks. The usual cushions are foam rubber and inflatable pad.
6. The forearm is placed on the back of the armrest, and the elbow flexion is about 90 degrees
① If the armrest is too high, the shoulders are easy to fatigue, and pushing the wheel ring is easy to cause upper arm skin abrasion.
② When the armrest is too low, the upper arm of the driving wheelchair tends to tilt forward, causing the body to tilt out of the wheelchair. If the wheelchair is operated in a forward leaning position for a long time, it may cause spinal deformation, chest compression and dyspnea.
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